How cognitive biases keep you stuck

Ever wonder why taking action feels so hard sometimes? Our cognitive biases might be getting in our way

Here's how our minds can trick us into not taking action:

Status quo bias: we prefer things as they are, even when change would benefit us. That's why staying in a job you've outgrown feels safer than going after a new opportunity.
SLoss aversion: we feel losses almost twice as strongly as gains, making us overly cautious and risk-averse while undervaluing potential rewards.
Planning fallacy: we underestimate how long tasks will take, leading to overwhelm and paralysis when facing big goals.

And here's the really sneaky ones...
Confirmation bias: we seek information that confirms our existing beliefs, making it hard to see new possibilities beyond what we know.
Sun cost fallacy: we keep investing in situations that aren't serving us because we've already put so much time or energy in.
Fear of regret: we often choose taking no action over taking action to avoid potential regret, forgetting that not acting is itself a choice we’re making.

Luckily breaking free of our thinking starts with awareness.

If you’re feeling stuck, see if you notice these patterns at play, and ask yourself: "Is this a real barrier, or is my mind playing tricks on me?"

Your brain is designed for survival after all and growth takes us out of our comfort zone.

What cognitive bias do you notice most often holding you back?


3 prompts to getting unstuck


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