Strategic thinking can be your biggest enemy
Let me caveat: strategic thinking is crucial in a lot of work. In fact, sometimes we look around and think there might not be enough strategic thinking happening! But there are times when it is just not helpful, especially when it comes to being human.
As a recovering overthinker (yes it is still tough sometimes) I've learned something crucial about strategic thinking: it's a double-edged sword.
• The very skills that make us great strategists at work (analysing, planning, forecasting) can trap us in endless cycles of overthinking outside of work.
• Our incessant drive for the right solutions can lead to analysis paralysis and mental exhaustion with every decision needing extensive pros and cons lists.
• This constant evaluation of scenarios keeps our mind racing when it should be resting and we find ourselves unable to turn off
The ironic thing is, I’ve noticed that most of the best ideas come when we’re not thinking about them… By that I mean, we’ve cleared our mind enough that ideas have the space to pop in when they emerge. We don’t have to try and find them, they just arrive.
So how can you support your recovery from overthinking:
• Set clear boundaries for strategic thinking time - not everything needs deep analysis.
• Overthinking can be under-feeling, practice getting back into your body and out of your head.
• Trust your intuition alongside your analytical mind, it can tell you more than you realise.
• Be present - sometimes the best strategy is no strategy.
Your brain is a tool, give it permission to rest.